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How to Install Softwares & Themes

Saturday, May 1, 2010 , Posted by Rohit Sharma at 9:54 PM

Guide to Modding your E6

This write-up explains how to perform most of the main modifications that forum members like to make to their E6's.

It is easy-to-follow steps that new users can print off and have all the information that they need in one place to (hopefully) easily and successfully perform the mod. It does not attempt to describe everything you can do with this phone, but covers the following topics:

A1. What are rar files and how do I use them?
A2. How do I copy files to my phone?
B. What is MPKG and LINLoader and how do I install them?
C. How to install programs and games?
D. How to install themes and skins to change the way the screens look?

• Most of the software mentioned here can be found in the Downloads Box. If it is not there then leave a comment.

• If you do not understand something here or have any problems then email me or contact me for troubleshooting.


All you need to perform any of the modifications described in this writeup are the following:
• a MotorolaE6 with a SD memory card installed in order to copy files to your phone.
• a Windows PC with at least 1 free USB port
• a Motorola USB data cable that plugs into the mini USB port on the bottom right of your phone and the USB port on your PC
• Motorola Phone Tools (MPT) installed on your PC - this is a program that should have come on the CD that came with your phone and should be used to back up the data on your phone (contacts, calendar, etc) before attempting any of these mods.

Rar Files

Most of the files uploaded on this forum are "rar" files. These are compressed files (similar to zip files) making them smaller to download. You need to install a program that can "unrar" them before you can use them. UnzipThemAll and 7-zip are two free programs that can unrar files. (Other users use Winrar though several users have reported problems installing files unrared with this program), I personally use Winrar. You can find winrar in Download Box

To use a rar file, you download it, then use the tool to unrar it before copying the uncompressed file(s) to the SD card in your phone.

How to Copy Files To/From Your Phone

  1. On the E6, go to Application Launcher-->Setup-->USB Mode and ensure that “Mass Storage” is selected
  2. Plug in the cable that connects the phone to the USB port on your PC.
  3. Open Windows Explorer and ensure that you have “Show hidden files and folders” turned on in Explorer (Tools-->Folder Options-->View-->Show hidden files and folders)
  4. You can now use Explorer to view the folders on your SD card on the phone. The SD card will probably be drive E: or F:. The root folder of this SD card shows directly under the Drive in Explorer – but its full path is /mmc/mmca1/ (i.e. if you copy something to the root you are copying it to /mmc/mmca1/).
  5. You should see a folder called .system under root. If you do not see it then check you have “Show hidden files” on (see 3 above). You are only able to view/edit files on the SD card – this method does not permit you to view/edit files directly on the phone (which is why you need installer programs like MPKG and linloader to install programs on your phone).
  6. You can now copy/cut and paste files to and from your PC to the folders on your SD card.
  7. Unplug the phone when done. (Before unplugging, you should always use the unplug or eject hardware facility. This will ensure integrity of the filesystem on the transflash card).
Wait a couple of seconds then you can then use File Manager under Application Launcher on your phone to view these files.


Before you can install many programs on your phone you will first need to install the following 2 pieces of software that will permit you to install other software.
  • MPKG - a package installer that will allow you to install executable app packages of type **.pkg (similarly to a java app installer). Once MPKG installer is installed you can copy files of type *.pkg to the root folder of your SD card, then install them by opening the File Manager application on the phone, go to the system folder, tap and hold the stylus on the *.pkg file and a small menu should pop up. Choose 'open with' and then choose the "MPKG" app. This will install the app and let you see it and run it from the phones Application Launcher
  • Linloader - this is a program used to run shell scripts. Most of these scripts have the extension **.lin. Once linloader is installed these shell scripts are run by opening the File Manager application on the phone, go to the folder where you have the shell script you want to run, click and hold, choose 'open with' and then choose the "loader" app.
How to Install MPKG

Get the MPKG Installer “Mpkg for E6” file from the download box with the name system folder in Softwares and do the following:
  1. Unrar the file. You will see it consists of a folder called .system.
  2. Plug in the phone, then use Windows Explorer to copy the entire old .system folder from the SD card to a safe place on your PC (so can recover if necessary). [If you can not see the .system file then you do not have “View hidden files” on].
  3. Copy the entire .system folder from the rar file to replace the one on your SD card.
  4. Unplug the phone from the PC and restart it. You should see a MPKG icon under Application Launcher on your phone.
  5. You NEVER run this program directly by clicking it - rather you open other files that have an extension of *.pkg by holding the stylus on those files until a small menu displays. Select “Open With” and select MPKG. You should hear a bell indicating the program has loaded.
[If you have already installed some programs on your SD card before installing MPKG then you should uninstall then before doing the above otherwise you will not be able to access them anymore (phone doesn't find them). You can reinstall them when complete]

If when you install MPKG, and then you copy a xxxx.pkg file to your phone and try to open it wiht MPKG, but get the error message "Invalid application" - then it did not install properly. Try the other install method listed below.


Installing java/j2me apps

The E6 should run most j2me java midlets (=apps). These are files with *.jad or *.jar extensions. These apps are not run by the native OS (linux), but rather by a java virtual machine which Motorola customizes to restrict access to the OS, filesystem, internet connections etc. - which is why many of them can not read or write to files.

Difference between jar and jad: The jar file contains the actual code, textures, etc for the java app while the jad file is a text file which contains some additional info about the app, ie version, size etc. Some phones require you to always copy both of these files to your phone and install the app using the jad file. The A1200 can install apps by just having the *jar file - however, if an application has both (jad and jar) it is better to copy both files to your phone and install using the jad file as it may contain some information (such as directory locations) needed to make the app work correctly.

To install a jar or jad file, do the following:

1. Copy the file(s) to a folder on the SD card. The folder can be called anything (eg "My Downloads") .
2. Unplug the phone from the PC then find the file using the phone's File Manager
3. Simply click once on the jad/jar file to install it. A popup window will appear asking you whether to install the program on your phone or on the SD card and what category you want it to be listed under (Office, games, etc). You may get a popup stating that the application is an untrusted application - but if you got the file from Motorolafans then it is probably safe!
4. Once the application is installed the .jar and .jad files are automatically deleted
5. Turn the phone off and on then you should see the new program's icon under the Application Launcher.

For some apps that need to be able to read or write files to the phone or SD card, you need to change the applications permissions to get it to work correctly on the A1200. See the next section "How to Change an App's Permissions" on instructions on how to do this.

Installing pkg files

Note :The .08P firmware supports the PKG installation but the.10P Firmwares DONT support PKG Installations due to Restrictions. You May need to Flash to a suitable Firmware to Install the PKGs. To Check Your Firmware Version Go to your Dial Pad and dial: WWW008W. To make the W you need to Insert WAIT.

If the file extension is *.pkg then:
  1. Copy the file to the root folder of the SD card.
  2. Unplug the phone from the PC then find the file using the phone's File Manager
  3. Hold the stylus on the file until the small menu displays. Select "Open With" and choose "MPKG". You should hear a bell indicating the program has loaded.
  4. Turn the phone off and on and you should see the new program's icon under the Application Launcher
• If a file has the extension of *.mpkg, you should rename it to *.pkg before trying to install it.
• Once the program has been installed, the mpkg file should be deleted or moved to another folder so that you do not accidentally click on it again.


1. What are Skins and Themes?

On the E6, “skin” means
• all display icons
• all GUI components like buttons, status bar, scrollbar, etc.

while “theme” means
• the poweron/poweroff animation screen (by default usually the Motorola startup)
• the wallpaper.


How to Change Skins

Download Skins installer.pkg file and install it using MPKG installer.
Download Splash Installer.pkg file and install it using MPKG installer.

After a lot of experimentation I found that using these methods are safe.
  1. Download the skin you want and install, after unrar you will usually get these filesCode:
  2. tlinux1
    logo file in jpg or png (optional)
    off/on gifs
3. Hold tap over .pksn file and click on open with.
4. Open it with Skin installer. It will take about a minut and If it has worked you should hear a voice saying “Installation complete”.
5. Turn the phone off
6. Turn the phone on and the skin should now be complete.

If you want to change the phone to another skin then Got o Setting--> Colors--> choose any defauls Color.
This will turn you back to original gray skin and allows you to install the next skin (which will delete the old skin). When you turn the file back on, you will notice the icons have returned to the grey default. Using this method I have successfully changed over a dozen skins.

How to Change your Phone’s Theme

Changing your theme changes the animations displayed when you start and turn off your phone. Any theme can be used with any skin (or by itself). You change the theme by running a file with the *.phm extension.

Some skin packages already have this file (eg TLINUX.phm) - but if your package does not then it is very easy to create one as it consists of only three lines (see below). You can either copy this *.phm file from another skin package or create it new. Edit it using Wordpad (not Notepad) substituting in the names of the startup and shutdown gifs that you want to use on lines 2 and 3. Put this file in the same directory as the skin package with the gifs you want to use.

Example of a *.phm file (eg TLINUX1.phm)
PowerOnScreen = on.gif
PowerOffScreen = off.gif
Then run it as follows:
  1. Hold the stylus on the *.phm file until the small menu appears. Select “Open with” and choose the theme installer. If it has worked you should hear a voice saying “Installation complete”.
  2. Restart your phone to make new theme active.
Originally Posted by Alpha43 on Motorolafans.
Download all required files from Download Box.

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